Purebasic v4.30 x64 英文正式版(編程軟體)
一款基於BASIC規則的編程語言。PureBASIC: 廣泛的可移植性 PureBASIC的顯著特色是
它廣泛的可移植性。它可以在Windows, AmigaOS 和 Linux系統上流暢運行。由於支援了
主要特點: - 600條以上的內部命令 - 支援所有BASIC關鍵字 - 高速編譯器可產生高質
量內碼 - 不需要任何運行時庫 - 完全結構化編程 - 完全系統API呼叫支援 - 支援Dire
ctX和SDL - 在OGRE支援下的3D - 使用彙編語言來訪問特定硬體 - 代碼的完全可移植性
- 專業的編輯和開發環境 - 完整的DEBUG和跟蹤工具。
PureBasic is a programming language based
on established BASIC rules. The key
features of PureBasic are portability
(Windows, AmigaOS and Linux are currently
fully supported), the production of very
fast and highly optimized executables and,
of course, the very simple BASIC syntax.
PureBasic has been created for the beginner
and expert alike. We have put a lot of
effort into its realization to produce a
fast, reliable and system friendly
In spite of its
beginner-friendly syntax, the possibilities
are endless with PureBasic's advanced
features such as pointers, structures,
procedures, dynamically linked lists and
much more. Experienced coders will have no
problem gaining access to any of the legal
OS structures or API objects and PureBasic
even allows inline ASM.
Purebasic v5.00 英文正式版(BASIC規則的編程軟體)
PureBasic v4.50 x86 x64 英文正式版(基於BASIC標準編程軟體)
PureBasic v4.51 x86 英文正式版(BASIC規則的編程軟體)
PureBasic v4.51 x64 英文正式版(BASIC規則的編程軟體)
Purebasic v4.10 英文零售版(基於BASIC規則的編程語言軟體)
Purebasic v4.30 x86 英文正式版(編程軟體)